Saturday 6 February 2010

World of Warcraft - buy one addict, get another free

Because I think I am. My boyfriend (henceforth referred to as N) and I recently set up 10-day free trials for World of Warcraft. Last weekend found us in the shops buying a copy each of the game, because our 10-day trials had expired and we missed playing it. After a moderate amount of playing during the week, we've nearly perfected questing as a team, although voice chat is the next hurdle. However, this weekend we've found ourselves on a slope more slippery than a well-greased jelly...

The last two nights have seen us up until 3am and 1am respectively, with sleep-hangovers a prominent part of the following days. We're unable to quit without completing all quick or easy quests, selling all unusable/useless loot, training up all skills as far as possible, and stopping at a 'resting place' before logging out. I'm not worried (yet) but I do wonder if it's healthy, or if this is a normal phase for people new to the game.

They don't call it WarCrack for nothing! (Don't you just always wonder who 'they' are when someone says that?) I hope the fact that both of us need to get some work done will stop it getting silly...but in the meantime I'm off to do a few quests before bed.

Here Be Ninjas!

Well, this is it - the first post. Nothing special here...but I'm looking forward to what might be here someday.

Today I bought a felt 'softies' kit. It came with enough stuff to make a cupcake! I'm looking forward to crafting it, but not as excited as I am to find out that I need to buy things like dressmaker's chalk, pins, needles, embellishments, threads, felts, fabrics, buttons and more, if I want to make the other pattersn up. Crafting has snagged my attention since last autumn, and I've been looking for a way in. I'm hooked on crafting and design blogs at the moment, so it was only a matter of time. Of the things I've tried, knitting isn't my cup of tea (I'll admit that's because I'm not great at it) and cross-stitch is great but something was missing.

Making softies from felt/fabrics is the third thing. I hope it goes well! I'll be posting updates here once I get started on it, along with pictures.